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Outward investments and profits of listed companies by 2024 Q3

1.    Outward Investments and profits from China:(amount in NTD)
(1)    As of 2024 Q3, 1,205 listed companies (687 TWSE- and 518 TPEx-listed companies) had investments in China accounting for 69.01% of total 1,746 listed companies, a decrease of 4 companies relative to the end of 2023.
(2)    As of 2024 Q3, the accumulated outflow of investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 2,524 billion and 253 billion respectively with a total of 2,777 billion, an increase of 42 billion from the end of 2023.
(3)    In 2024 Q3, the profits from investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 319 billion and 22 billion respectively with a total of 341 billion. The total profits ranked third highest in record and a YOY increase of 17 billion.
(4)    In 2024 Q3, the inflow of profits from investments in China of listed companies were 92 billion. As of 2024 Q3, the accumulated inflow of profits from investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 859 billion and 87 billion respectively. The total amount was 946 billion accounting for 34.05% of the accumulated outflow of Investments in China of 2,777 billion.
2.    Outward Investments and profits excluding China: (amount in NTD)
(1)    As of 2024 Q3, 1,316 listed companies (743 TWSE- and 573 TPEx-listed companies) had investments overseas excluding China accounting for 75.37% of total 1,746 listed companies, an increase of 14 companies relative to the end of 2023.
(2)    As of 2024 Q3, the accumulated outflow of investments of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 8,832 billion and 707 billion respectively, totaling 9,539 billion, an increase of 919 billion from the end of 2023.
(3)    In 2024 Q3, the profits from investments of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 727 billion and 32 billion respectively with a total of 759 billion. The total profits ranked third highest in record and a YOY increase of 262 billion.
3.    Summary
Since the U.S. China Trade War in 2018, the amount of investments by listed companies in China has significantly decreased, and the profits from investments in China has been steadily repatriated; the amount of Outward Investments excluding China has shown an increasing trend, indicating that although investing in China has increased the company's profit, However, listed companies have slowed down their investment pace to reduce their dependence on the china and use global layout to diversify investment risks in the china. The Financial Supervisory Commission will continue to pay attention to future developments. 
Visitor: 493   Update: 2024-12-11