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Public companies shall suspend the convening of shareholders’ meetings during 24 May to 30 June 2021 for pandemic prevention

To prevent and control severe pneumonia with novel pathogens, a public company shall suspend the convening of a shareholders’ meeting, from 24 May to 30 June 2021. The order shall become effective from the date of announcement.

Financial Supervisory Commission announcement

I.   This order is prescribed pursuant to the instruction on 20 May 2021, by the Central Epidemic Command Center.
II.   Pursuant to Article 7 of the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens: “The Commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center may, for disease prevention and control requirements, implement necessary response actions or measures”; and pursuant to Article 37 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 6, and Paragraph 3 of the Communicable Disease Control Act: “When communicable diseases occur or are expected to occur, local competent authorities shall, by considering actual needs, take the following measures in collaboration with organizations (institutions) concerned:…..6. other disease control measures announced by government organizations at various levels.” and “Measures mentioned in Paragraph 1 that shall be taken by local competent authorities shall be implemented during the period when the central epidemic command center is in existence in accordance with instructions of its commander.”
For pandemic prevention, the FSC demands public companies to postpone their shareholders' meetings in accordance with the attached rules.

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Visitor: 2691   Update: 2021-05-25