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Administrative Sanction

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Administrative Fine Imposed on the Responsible Person of The Kaison Green Energy Technology Co., LTD (Listed Company2246)

Administrative Fine Imposed on the Responsible Person of The Kaison Green Energy Technology Co., LTD (Listed Company2246)
1. Date the fine was imposed:July 24, 2023
2. Recipient of the fine: Kaison Green Energy Technology Co., LTD
3.Legal basis of the fine: Paragraph 3 of Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.
4. Facts of the violation and reasons: Kaison Green Energy Technology Co., LTD failed to complete 2022 Internal Control System Statement .
5. Resulting fine: Sentenced to the fine, NT$240,000, in accordance with Paragraphs 3 of Article 14-1, Paragraph 1(2) of Article 178 and Article 179 of the Securities and Exchange Act.
Visitor: 908   Update: 2023-08-17