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Administrative Sanction

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Administrative Fine Imposed on the Responsible Person of OCEANIC BEVERAGES CO.,INC. (Listed Company1213)

1.    Date the fine was imposed: May 2, 2024
2.    Recipient of the fine: OCEANIC BEVERAGES CO.,INC.
3.    Legal basis of the fine: Paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Securities and Exchange Act, and Article 3 of the Regulations Governing the Qualification Requirements and Professional Development of Principal Accounting Officers of Issuers, Securities Firms, and Securities Exchanges in force when the offense was committed. 
4.    Facts of the violation and reasons: The financial statement for 2023 Q4 presented upon regulatory filing by OCEANIC BEVERAGES CO.,INC. was not signed or sealed by the accounting manager required under Article 3 of the Regulations Governing the Qualification Requirements and Professional Development of Principal Accounting Officers of Issuers, Securities Firms, and Securities Exchanges, pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Securities and Exchange Act. Accordingly, it should be held violating said requirements.
5.    Resulting fine: Sentenced to the fine, NT$240,000, in accordance with Paragraph 1(2) of Article 178 and  179 of the Securities and Exchange Act
Visitor: 369   Update: 2024-05-15