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Administrative Sanction

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Capital Futures Corp. and Its Associated Person Chen Sanctioned for Violation of Laws and Regulations Governing Futures Business

1.    Date the fine was imposed: 6 May, 2024. 
2.    Recipient of the fine: Capital Futures Corp. (hereinafter " Capital Futures") and its associated persons Chen (hereinafter " Chen").
3.    Legal basis of the fine: Article 2, paragraph 2 and Article 55, subparagraph 19 of the Regulations Governing Futures Commission Merchants. Article 16, paragraph 2 of the Regulations Governing Responsible Persons and Associated Persons of Futures Commission Merchants.
4.    Facts of the violation and reasons: Chen provided traders with trading advice in Line Groups. Capital Futures failed to properly supervise and manage its associated person, and did not implement the company's internal control regulations. Capital Futures and Chen  have violated futures management laws and regulations.
5.    Resulting fine: An administrative fine of NT$240,000 was imposed on Capital Futures pursuant to Article 119, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 of the Futures Trading Act, Chen is suspended from performing futures trading business for 1 month pursuant to Article 101, paragraph 1 of the same Act.
Visitor: 405   Update: 2024-05-15