The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) became a member of International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR) in 2008 and is one of the initial members. In addition, the FSC joined the Enforcement Working Group (EWG) under IFIAR in 2013. Established by 18 independent audit regulators in 2006, IFIAR comprises independent audit regulators from Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia. It aims to share experiences of audit oversight and enhance global audit quality. The FSC has been actively seeking international support and was successfully elected as a board member in 2019 IFIAR Plenary Meeting and then joined IFIAR’s ‘’Audit and Finance Committee’’. It is the very first time that the FSC is able to engage in the governance of a major international organization, which is a huge milestone for us.
I、Press Release - The FSC elected as board member of IFIAR
II、Manograph (Chinese version only)
i. Plenary Meeting
ii.Enforcement Working Group
III、Related Links