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Information of Investment in Mainland China and abroad of domestic listed companies until the end of second quarter, 2020 (Amounts in New Taiwan Dollars)

1.Information on Investment in Mainland China:
(1)Until 30th, June, 2020, 671 TWSE-listed companies and 520 TPEx-listed companies investment in Mainland China, totaling 1,191, accounting for 74.02% of the total number of 1,609 companies, 7 less than the end of 2019.
(2)Until 30th,June, 2020, TWSE-listed companies  accumulated outflow of investment was 2.2848 trillion, TPEx-listed companies was 239.6 billion, totaling 2.5244 trillion, an increase of 13.4 billion from the end of 2019. The main reason was for establishment of subsidiaries or branches, subsidiaries business expansion, factory construction. The computer and peripheral equipment industry has a relatively large amount of investment outflow in TWSE-listed companies. The electronic parts and components industry has a relatively large amount of investment outflow in TPEx-listed companies.
(3)Investment benefits of TWSE-listed companies for the year ended second quarter, 2020, was 145.1 billion, TPEx-listed companies was 9.2 billion, totaling 154.3 billion, an increase of 41.7 billion from the year ended second quarter, 2019. TWSE-listed companies increase 38.1 billion, TPEx-listed companies increase 3.6 billion. The main reason was that the demand of consumer electronics and remote products increased because of Covid-19.
(4)For the year ended second quarter 2020, investment benefits inflow was 18.1 billion. Until 30th,June, 2020, TWSE-listed companies of investment benefits inflow was 468 billion, TPEx-listed companies was 40.7 billion, totaling 508.7 billion, accounting for 20.15% of the accumulated outflow of Investment amount of 2.5244 trillion. The main reason was for the group''s capital planning strategy, to withdraw surplus, cash dividends or proceeds from the sale of equity. The rubber industry has a relatively large amount of investment inflow in TWSE-listed companies. The electronic parts and components industry has a relatively large amount of investment inflow in TPEx-listed companies.
2.Information on Investment abroad (Excluding Mainland China):
(1)Until 30th,June, 2020,714 TWSE-listed companies and 560 TPEx-listed companies have made investment abroad, totaling 1,274, accounting for 79.18% of the total number of 1,609 companies, 2 less than the end of 2019.
(2)Until 30th,June, 2020, TWSE-listed companies accumulated outflow of investment from Taiwan was 6.2962 trillion, TPEx-listed companies was 623.9 billion, totaling 6.9201 trillion, an increase of 228.8 billion from the end of 2019. The main reason was that subsidiaries need working capital, participate cash capital increase, factory construction, improve financial structure. The semiconductor industry has a relatively large amount of investment outflow in both of TWSE-listed companies and TPEx-listed companies.
(3)Investment benefits of TWSE-listed companies for the year ended second quarter, 2020, was 188.9 billion, TPEx-listed companies was 20.4 billion, totaling 209.3 billion, an increase of 10.2 billion from the ended second quarter, 2019. The main reason was that capacity utilization increasing and remote products orders increased.
Contact Unit: Accounting and Auditing Supervision Division of the Securities and Futures Bureau
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Visitor: 1324   Update: 2020-09-25