Important Measure March 2024
1. FSC amends Incentive Policy for Offshore Funds Development in Taiwan to encourage long-term development of asset management business and talent cultivation in Taiwan by offshore fund institutions
To encourage offshore fund institutions to develop asset management business in Taiwan on a long-term basis and continuously invest in enhancing core manpower of asset management, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), taking into consideration the views of the Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association and industry participants, amended the Incentive Policy for Offshore Funds Development in Taiwan and related Q&A on 2 April 2024. The amended content provides greater flexibility in the optional preferential measures available to those that have been recognized for a two-year period under the Incentive Policy. It also newly adds investment research team headcounts as a performance evaluation indicator for the institutions and adjusts the benchmarks of other specific evaluation indicators. The adjustments are aimed at attracting more offshore fund institutions to participate in the Incentive Policy.