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Application Inquiry

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1.Public Companies Applications Inquiry
 Year 2023 ( xls ),( ods )  Year 2022 ( xls ),( ods )  Year 2021 ( xls ),( ods
 Year 2020 ( xls ),( ods )  Year 2019 ( xls ),( ods )  Year 2018 ( xls ),( ods )  
 Year 2017 ( xls ),( ods )  Year 2000 to Year 2016( zip )
(A).Summary List of Effective Registration Applications of Distribution of Bonus Shares by Public Companies (xls),(ods)
(B).Summary List of Effective Registration Applications of Distribution of Bonus Shares by Securities and Futures Enterprises:Securities Enterprises(xls), (ods)(20221024),Futures Enterprises (xls), (ods)
2.Application(Registration) for securities Investment Trust Funds by Securities Investment Trust Enterprise (2023-4-24, xls, ods, pdf)
3.Discretionary Investment Services (2023-5-3, ods)
4.Statistical Table of Stopping or Returning Registration Applications by Underwriters’ Counseling and Evaluating:
Year 2009 to Year 2019(zip),  Year 2017(pdf),  Year 2018(pdf), Year 2019(pdf), Year2020(pdf), Year2021(pdf),Year2022(pdf)
5.Applications of Ceasing Public Issuance of Shares by Public Companies (2023-4-6, xls , ods)
6.Application for Capital Alteration of FCMs, Managed Futures Enterprises, Futures Trust Enterprises (2023-5-3, ods)
7.Application for new branch opening of FCMs, Managed Futures Enterprises and Futures Trust Enterprises (2022-7-21, doc, odt)
8.Application for Futures Trust Fund Offering (2020-9-24, odt)
9.List of Commencement of Businesses of OSU (2023-3-1,  xlsx, ods) & List of Commencement of Wealth Management Business of Securities Firms (Link)
10.Summary of ETN Issuance Registrations (2022-11-23, xlsx, ods)
Visitor: 5005   Update: 2023-05-03